Dearest Lisa -
I see you. You may not believe that anyone notices you, but I do. I've seen you all along but only recently realized how important is it that I share my heart with you. I have a couple things I'd like to say, since we're sisters and all. I hope you'll be able to receive these words and not believe they are criticisms. I truly offer them to you with love, out of a deep desire to see your life flourish. I believe you're holding back, maybe you're afraid, maybe the lens you look through is clouded and you can't see clearly or maybe you don't believe you have what it takes to accomplish your goals, if you've really set any at this point in time. Your life is very full with raising your girls, that takes lots of energy and I know you fret about whether you're doing a good job. Let me assure you, you're doing a great job. Your daughters are going to be fantastic, strong, competent women who give you the most lovely grand babies. But let's not get off the subject at hand, there's plenty of time to talk about that later.
Here's the question. Have you forgotten how to dream? I'd like to make a few suggestions that might help you let go of all your own plans and just dream about what life might be if you quit trying so hard. What if you simply opened your hands to receive the next thing that came your way. All your striving and trying to "get it right" might be keeping you from experiencing some really great things and some wonderful people. What follows is a little list of how to get yourself in a position to dream again.
#1 - Just BE.
#2 - Think about what YOU need.
Self care. I'm convinced you have no idea what this word even means. It's more than just making sure you are clean and put together. So, take some time to think about how to care for YOU. Not just on the outside but on the inside too. What helps you relax? What do you enjoy doing just for yourself? I know this will be difficult because it's new and different but trust me, you will be a much happier human when you make intentional time to do something just for you. And, don't let anyone give you a guilt trip over the fact that you spend money and time on yourself. (see #7 and exclude this person from your squad, immediately)
#3 - Get Outside
I don't mean go outside and DO something, like mow the grass or weed the flower bed. This is also not getting outside to take a walk for exercise, no fast moving. This is a time to BE in the great outdoors. Enjoy the scenery. Listen for the birds, look at the flowers, walk down the street and notice the sky, the sunset, the moon the stars. If you must get in the car in order to escape responsibilities, do it. You don't have to drive a hour away, go ten minutes to the nearest park or a different neighborhood. Commune with nature a little, without any distraction.
#4 - Journal
Write down EVERYTHING, not just the hard things. Keep a little notebook beside your bed, when an idea drops into your heart write it down. Don't ignore those little thoughts that just seem to pop up from no where. They're coming to you from deep inside, from the Spirit of creativity, from the creator himself. He knows you because he made you. He's the one who knows what you should do next because he is the one who made the plans for your life way back even before you were born so take note, literally. Also, write about all the funny/crazy things the girls do. You think you'll remember them but believe me, that razor sharp memory doesn't last forever.
#5 - Have FUN.
You've gotten a little too serious. I'm not sure if it's all the really hard things that seem to be a regular part of your life or the church affiliation you've chosen but you need to loosen up. I think Jesus would agree. I guarantee Jesus and the disciples sat around cutting up and enjoying life, not at the expense of others, mind you, but they had a good time. And you know the Bible thumpers of his day didn't call him a wino because he was drinking grape juice. Relax, have a glass of wine and enjoy an evening rocking on the porch. Better yet, invite a friend over to join you, have some good conversation about nothing serious and enjoy the time being together, no agenda, just delight in the people you are.
#6 - Listen to your Inner Voice
You have a good intuitive nature and you are a smart woman. Use your brain and make the decisions your gut is telling you to make instead of listening to what other people say. You have everything you need in you to make the best decision for YOU. No one else knows what is best for you, except you. So, do whatever needs to be done to silence those people who question what you're doing. For some reason we humans just love same...same thinking, same doing, same little rigid lines and tight boxes. We weren't created to be the same as anyone else, so simply be YOU.
#7 - Be a Cheerleader and Find some Cheerleaders
I know this will be difficult because there just aren't very many women who believe there's room for everyone. Sad to say, a lot of women can't cheer for you because they don't want to see you accomplish what they won't try. Of course they don't see it and neither do you, that's why I'm telling you. When that competitive spirit lifts its ugly head, you need to squash it, kill it even. There is room for everyone to do their thing and just because they're doing it over there doesn't mean you can't do it over here. This life is BIG and out of the box and there's no need to compare or compete, both those things will keep you from the deep connection your heart craves. Remember that, it's important.
I think seven suggestions is just the right number. I hope you don't feel overwhelmed and that you'll remember that there is no practice makes perfect...that little lie will trip you up for a long time so listen to my voice, practice makes progress. That's what we're after, progress not perfection. Oh, and you're doing fine, just fine. Every day, every minute every hour you are just fine, even though you don't feel fine. You're gonna make it. (cue Mary Tyler Moore theme song)
I love you friend,